Saturday, February 13, 2010

Anti-Valentine's day

So another Valentine's day has rolled around and as usual I'm alone, naturally. I can admit that I am anti-valentines but I guess this is only because I have no significant other to share it with. But while I was cuddled up watching 'Love Actually' with my sister I realized that "love actually is all around". But thanks to the commercialism of the day the only love that seems to matter is love between boyfriends and girlfriends. Thinking about it, I have never seen an "I love you, mum" card made for Valentines day. Maybe you have, or maybe I'm not looking hard enough. When today begun I thought to myself "well I seem to be the only person who loves me, I'll treat myself" Breakfast was a great place to start so I made myself a stack of home-made pancakes. Yum!

When I was almost finished cooking my mum came up and asked me about the pancakes and being the selfish person I am i said they were all for me. I guess my main motive behind this was my wanting something nice for myself, and whats wrong with that? In the end I did end up giving my mum some pancakes but she wasn't happy with me. I guess my attitude wasn't canceled out with my nice gesture. I've even managed to piss off my dad with my selfish behaviour. Looking back, it would probably have been the more valentine-esque notion to make a beautiful batch of pancakes for my whole family just to say on this day-of-days that I love them. So once again I have had a pretty terrible Valentine's day but this time it wasn't solely because I was alone, it was because I didn't appreciate the different kinds of love, like the love my parents have for me. All I can say now is that this anti-valentines day mentality isn't the answer nor an excuse, because we all have someone who loves us or who we love. So give some hugs, share the love and never forget; love really is all around, you just have to open your eyes.

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